
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Building Positive Habits with Inspirational Messages

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Maurice interviews Rob and Chris, who founded an inspirational messaging service called I Live Inspired. This is a fantastic service that provides daily inspirational text messages with a theme of your own choosing. These powerful and meaningful messages will help you to build positive habits and positive thinking. They can be recovery actions, for those in treatment programs, or they can be inspirational or motivational messages from authors such as Steve Chandler, the Dalai Lama, or Mother Teresa.

This eight-minute interview is the quick story of how I Live Inspired got started and what it can do for you or for someone you love.

Take this service for a test ride with a seven day free trial offer. It's worth a pilgrimage.

Direct link to Steve Chandler's Fearless page on I Live Inspired:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fearless: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can (Chapters 5, 6, and 7)

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Maurice reads chapters 5, 6, and 7 from Steve's new book, Fearless: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can.

Chapter 5
Life's Most Troubling Comic Material

Chapter 6
Your Kids Have Turned Out Great!

Chapter 7
Time is Never Disappearing

Download these PDF sample chapters from the eBook and let us know what you think!

Get Fearless:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Double Your Income as a Coach

Download How to Double Your Income as a Coach (MP3 Audio Program)

"A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops."

Henry B. Adams

Great coaches always cite the coaches they themselves learned from.
In today's environment, most (surveys show over 70%) of today's top business leaders have coaches….personal success coaches or life coaches who take them to higher levels of success than they ever could have attained on their own.

The object of the coaching process is to allow the leader to discover his or her hidden strengths and bring them to the forefront in the daily life of the business.

Every great actor, dancer and athlete credits most of their career progress to a coach who gave them support and teaching along the way. In the past, our society has celebrated the concept of coaching in sports and show business, because those were fields where excellence was always expected. Business was just business.

But because of coaching, today's business leader has the same opportunity to explore the upper limits of his or her excellence as does a sports star or an actor. Coaching makes that opportunity a conscious part of the leader's career.

"I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities," said Bob Nardelli, CEO of Home Depot.

If you're a leader, be open to being coached. There's no value in going it alone just to prove you can.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Who Needs Coaching?

Download Who Needs Coaching? (MP3 Audio Program)
Coaching isn't just for athletes and actors anymore - anyone can take advantage of it! It's a widespread phenomenon that helps take you to a higher level of performance and maximize your time on this planet. Steve points out that people seek coaching for a variety of reasons. Fearful thoughts may be keeping them from being as good as they can be, or they may simply need guidance in putting together an action plan that will move them in the direction of prosperity. The idea is that two heads are better than one.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Make Your Personal Life and Professional Life Work Simultaneously

Download Personal Life & Professional Life (MP3 Audio Program)
Steve & Maurice discuss the importance of family relationships and how to make your professional life work with your personal life. A common challenge is, as you become more and more successful, more demands are placed on you, and you may find yourself focused more on work than on family. Being there for your family can often be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to build courage, strengthen relationships, and enhance your communication skills.

Steve encourages us to take on the challenge of putting family first. Go to a family gathering, or go home, and for one day don't judge anyone. You can be a leader at home, but lead by serving, not by delivering an agenda, guidelines, expectations.

What else not to do with your family? Don't give unsolicited advice! Instead, work on open, generous listening, listening from the soul. You can make your home life and personal life your very, very top priority.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Busyness is Laziness (Part Two)

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.

When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

What leads to success? Focus. But many people are "too busy" to succeed. They get stopped in their tracks by their busyness, unable to focus, and allowing every single thing that calls to them to take them away from the things they really want to do!

Busyness is Laziness. It's cluttering up your day with a hundred things. It's chasing email and phone calls all day instead of creating your day. Gotta minute? Gotta minute? Gotta minute?

Shift your thinking. Focus on the one thing that moves you forward and brings you success. Step away from the time machines in your life that rocket you into the future. Your day is yours to create.

Free eBook by Steve Chandler:
Powerful Graceful Success: The Secret Key to Mastering Time, Love and Money:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Busyness is Laziness (Part One)

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.

When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

Hard to believe, but true! Busyness is Laziness. Being "too busy" is not the optimal state. It's a state of chaos, not a state of focus. Steve explains how we can learn to do the things we want to do at the pace we choose to do them.
The key to life is making it simple. Shift your thinking. Choose to do the meaningful things and do them so well that your life becomes more simple. Don't do complicated and busy. Do simple.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Money Fear (Part Two)

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.
When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

Download Money Fear from MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course
We got started in our previous program with Maurice interviewing Steve on the topic of Money Fear. This program comes directly from the 10-CD MindShift Success Course. Experience Steve's "Shift Points" for moving beyond Money Fear. As you question and change your fearful thoughts, you find that your fears begin to lose their footing and self-destruct.
That's the power of a Mind Shift.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Money Fear (Part One)

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.

When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

Download the Money Fear Interview with Steve Chandler

Steve and Maurice talk today about Money Fear and how to reprogram your thinking to shift up to a higher level of awareness beyond the fear.
In childhood you were told you would have to grow up and make a living, that you can't just live but that you have to "earn" a living, and were told that money doesn't grow on trees..... But wait, can we now shift away from these childhood fears, and as adults get beyond the terrible interpretations of the news media, and create the action-filled, creative lives we desire?
By focusing on serving others, on loving service, and connecting money with good works, we can overturn the usual mistake, which is to connect money primarily to survival. To create and serve all day long means to never have to worry about money.
The major Shift Point is this: Change your thoughts, your negative and fearful thinking about money, and your emotions will change. As Marilyn Vos Savant once said: "Feeling is what you get for thinking the way you do"!

What is a Mind Shift, Anyway?

Electronic Books and MP3 Audio Downloads by Steve Chandler

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting Out of the Future

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.
When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

Download Audio Program

Steve shows us how to see the opportunity in the present moment. Get inspired to do your best today by not bringing the future in all day long.

Get your thinking and your happiness out of the future and have today be the day!

What is a Mind Shift, Anyway?

Electronic Books and MP3 Audio Downloads by Steve Chandler

Friday, May 2, 2008

Living the Fearless Life

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eBook Now Available!

Fearless: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can

Steve makes his boldest, most passionate statement yet on how to live the Fearless life and embrace Fearlessness as a life practice.
Two years in the making, Steve serves up a potent 56 chapters that will inspire you to challenge your thoughts and shift out of your fears.

Download these PDF sample chapters from the eBook and let us know what you think!

Get Fearless:

"When I read this book something magical happened. Page by page, my mind released those old habitual thoughts. My spirit lightened and lifted. It’s a mindshift, and I didn’t even see it coming. I was guided to a higher state of consciousness with Steve Chandler's graceful humor, creativity and courage."

Jim Manton - Author of The Secret of Transitions

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ways #4 to 7 to Create Wealth - From the book: 100 Ways to Create Wealth by Steve Chandler & Sam Beckford

From the book: 100 Ways to Create Wealth by Steve Chandler & Sam Beckford.

This podcast covers Ways #4 to 7 to Create Wealth:

#4 Use One Hour a Day

Set aside an hour a day for your creative thinking time. Set aside all distractions, think about what you can do to shift towards fulfillment and purpose.

#5 Make Money a Game

Money flows to the young at heart. So we want to shift work to play any chance we get. It's a mind shift to do so.

#6 Learn Your Process

Knowledge is earning power. Make sure you understand the process of your business: how you make money and how you can build on the process to progressively create more wealth.

#7 Give It Away Before You Get It

Try thinking of true wealth as much you give. Money is yours to give, and by pre-planning your giving, you will eliminate fearful thinking and make yourself more creative and open to creating wealth.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Story of You - Part Three

From the book: The Story of You by Steve Chandler

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Steve invites us to explore the world of "story-less" action, by abandoning the limiting stories we tell about ourselves. The complete five-CD audiobook can be found at: Steve Chandler's Blog, eBooks, and MP3 audio recordings can be found at:

Electronic Books and MP3 Audio Downloads by Steve Chandler