
Monday, June 9, 2008

Busyness is Laziness (Part Two)

From MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course.

When the Mind is Open it Will Shift.

What leads to success? Focus. But many people are "too busy" to succeed. They get stopped in their tracks by their busyness, unable to focus, and allowing every single thing that calls to them to take them away from the things they really want to do!

Busyness is Laziness. It's cluttering up your day with a hundred things. It's chasing email and phone calls all day instead of creating your day. Gotta minute? Gotta minute? Gotta minute?

Shift your thinking. Focus on the one thing that moves you forward and brings you success. Step away from the time machines in your life that rocket you into the future. Your day is yours to create.

Free eBook by Steve Chandler:
Powerful Graceful Success: The Secret Key to Mastering Time, Love and Money:

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